Saturday, September 7, 2013

Observational Study #2

I finally a clear sky over my house. It has been raining all day and the clouds cleared long enough for me to get a good look. The moon is just past new as a waxing crescent but was not visible for long (only about a half hour). It is actually quite dark where I am and with no moon, it is even easier to see (using my dads binoculars and the star walk app on my phone) stars and even a couple of constellations. I got to see Sagittarius and Scorpius which are two of the few constellations we have learned about in class. Seeing as it is still summer, I am still surprised that I was able to see anything. Even now, I had to go inside as the clouds came back and it is raining even now. I'm hoping that as the cooler months come around and summer turns to fall, I will be able to see more at night and more often. But for now, I will have to make due. I found a picture online to show about how clear it was (this is not a photo I took, it was taken from Google images as a way to show how clear it was)

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