Saturday, September 21, 2013

Observatioanl Study week 9/16 - 9/21

This week was not actually not bad in seeing the stars and the moon. There were fewer clouds and it was dark enough to see quite a few things in the sky. I watched every night and saw the moon go from a waxing gibbous to a full moon to a waning gibbous. See as the moon is a major source of light pollution, I did find thinks more difficult to find like constellations and planets. On some nights, I went several times and noted the approximate positions of the things in the sky and could clearly see how they changed so much in only a few hours. I keep finding it easier and easier to point out constellations without assistance the more I practice. I even took my little sister out on Wednesday to our backyard to show her the different stars, constellations and planets using my dads binoculars.

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