Friday, September 6, 2013


Today I chose to select the APOD image found on the date September 4th 2013 seen below
This is actually an evaporating Protostar that is crushing together to form a full sized star. The blue colored cloud-like thing is energetic light and dust that is being blown away. At this point, there is no way to tell how the star will end up, how big it will be, what color, or even where is will be. I chose this because I thought it was really cool how this showed a star being formed as well as the amazing blue color mixed with the gold of the star near and within it. Once again, the amazing photo that I choose is taken by Hubble. It really shocked me to learn just how big it is... it is currently over a light year long and getting longer. It may one day actually explode in a supernova before it fully forms if it gets to big!

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