Friday, December 6, 2013

APOD 2.6

This weeks APOD was difficult to pick since there are so many amazing photos to choose from over a span of 2 weeks but I decided to use the one from November 29th 2013.
This is an image of a before (right) and after (left) of comet ISON's trip around the sun. This is an infrared image and is actually screenshots of a youtube video uploaded by NASA that I found.
 ISON actually got within only 1 million kilometers of the sun which sounds far away, but is extremely close which is why it is so much dimmer in the after picture. In the video, you can see that it speeds up greatly when it gets close to the sun. This is not speeding up the picture, the gravity from the sun is so strong it worked like a slingshot that shot the comet even faster than it was already going. I chose this because I actually found it a while ago to use in my project.

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