Sunday, October 6, 2013

Observatioanl Study week 9/29 - 10/6

The clouds have finally cleared! After weeks with little to no visibility of the night sky from clouds and rain, it has cleared and I can finally see! This week I have gone out almost every night and seen nothing but clearness and stars. I was able to see almost all of the constellations including Cepheus, Hercules, Corona Borealis, Vulpecula, Aquila and many more. I saw the summer triangle and planets like Uranus, Venus and Neptune. I found out that the Star Walk app that I use sometimes has photo recognition, which means that I can hold my phone up to the sky and the app will connect the constellations and name the planets with a live video feed from my back yard. It has become even easier to notice stars and constellations even when I am just walking my dogs. I thought at first it would never happen, but it has.

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