Thursday, January 16, 2014

APOD 3.1

This week's APOD is a special one from January 12th. It isn't actually a picture but several hundred pictures put together to show how big things are in comparison to the things we know of today. This applet is called Scale of the Universe 2 and it allows one to go as small as one plank length which is the predicted length of a single string from the string theory that everything is made of strings and go as large as the estimated size of the universe which is several times the size of the observable universe which is billions of light years in diameter. I chose this because it is an amazing way of showing just how small we are in comparison to the universe and beyond anything we can even comprehend as a species. It is just incredible and humbling to see these incredible sizes and comparisons. It goes from 10 to the 27th meters to 10 to the negative 35th. That span is just way too much larger for anyone to really understand in any way.

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